Moticont is a manufacturer of motion control products.
Product Summary
Linear voice coil motors, linear motors with internal bearings, hollow core linear motors, direct drive linear motors, linear motors with built-in encoders, motorized stages, multiaxis positioning systems, hollow core motorized stages, linear brushless ironless, linear motor actuators, encoder modules, and more.
Moticont is a manufacturer of motion control products. The company's product line includes voice coil motors, three-phase brushless motors, and positioning stages and slides. All products are available for immediate worldwide shipment.
The proximity of Moticont to both the major airport and seaport facilities of Southern California makes service to international customers very expedient without any freight forwarding or time-consuming difficulties.
Moticont's miniature GVCM-019-032-02 Linear Voice Coil Servo Motor is only three-quarters of an inch (19 mm) in diameter and features a 0.875 in. (22 mm) stroke.
The HVCM-016-013-003-01 Hollow Core Voice Coil Motor has an open aperture and high force-to-size ratio with a continuous force rating of 5.7 oz. (1.6 N) and a peak force of 17...