Digital Differential Measuring Systems

Jan. 21, 2021

The KD-5600 family of eddy current measurement systems is ideal for use in COTS applications for fast steering mirrors, magnetic bearing active control, shaft vibration, image stabilization, and adaptive optics.


Designed for non-contact linear position displacement sensing applications, Kaman released three configurations for tailored use. The KD-5656 (digital system), KD-5640 (analog system), and KD-5690 (FE system) are equipped with custom sensors, signal processing, analog to digital converter, and a custom calibration system to ensure precision and accuracy.


For optimum operation for each channel, the system has two matched sensors. Input signals are filtered and SWaP-C scaled to provide optimum operation, remove common mode noise, and deliver a drive signal. They also provide digital filtering as part of the signal conditioning to reduce signal noise.


The suite of products is designed with high resolution, bandwidth, and linearity and equipped with Serial Peripheral Interface Bus for fast data transfers and no firmware. Additionally, the KD-5600 system samples data at eight times the standard data rate. Oversampling at high volume provides higher resolution at the defined data rate, which results in a signal resolution that is eight times better than a system sampling at the Nyquist rate. Using a 9D connector for reading data, power, and control signals, the system operates from a single power supply with a voltage range of 8 to 28V.