MHP-7 Series Linear Position Sensors

Jan. 22, 2020

MHP-7 series linear inductive sensors were designed to be installed into the rear endcap of hydraulic cylinders for operation at pressures up to 5000psig. Their 1-inch hex aluminum or stainless steel housing are ideal for mobile hydraulics, factory automation machinery, or oil and gas exploration equipment, and mount to the cylinder with a standard male o-ring port thread.


The MHP-7 series sensors are based on a proprietary contactless inductive sensing technology with a short stroke to length ratio. They employ a 7 mm diameter probe inserted into an 8 mm (5/16 inch) gun-drilled hole in the cylinder rod to measure position rather than a ring magnet or pot contact spool. They are offered in ranges from 25 to 600mm (1 to 24 inches) full scale with a wide variety of on analog I/Os and either connector and cable terminations.


The MHP-7 series also includes the MR-7 and ME-7 series for larger cylinders and actuators and the SS-7 for subsea applications. Technical data sheets and additional information can be found at

  • No magnet required
  • Compact 1-inch hex aluminum or stainless steel housing
  • Contactless- no wear from cycling or dithering
  • Ranges from 25 to 600 mm (1 to 24 inches)
  • Excellent stroke-to-length ratio
  • SenSet for field scalability of analog output