Model 402X-BDF-1.5 Weight-Loss Weigh Feeder

Dec. 6, 2017

Model 402X-BDF-1.5 “Weight-Loss” Weigh Feeder is a highly versatile feeder that combines a flow-inducing dual auger/agitator mechanism with a centrally positioned metering auger operating at proportional but dissimilar speeds to accurately and reliably feed a broad variety of dry solid materials, especially those possessing difficult handling characteristics.


Model 402-BDF-1.5 includes a technologically advanced dynamic weighing system, permanently calibrated and adjustment-free. Stable, high-resolution weight sensing is produced by Acrison’s Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver, which instantaneously generates an unamplified, non-integrated real-time weight signal (no signal delay) for use by one of Acrison’s various multiprocessor controllers for precise feed rate control.


With minimal maintenance needs and a minimum life expectancy of 20 years, the strong performance capabilities of these ruggedly built, non-temperamental weighing systems have been proven in thousands of installations worldwide -- providing users with a high degree of confidence in their ability to perform reliably and dependably 24/7. The entire weighing system of the weigh feeder is also guaranteed for 5 years, including the associated electronics. Feed rates range from several pounds upwards to about 2,000 lb./h (based on product weighing 40 lb./ft.2). Continuous metering accuracies range between +/- 0.25 to 1% or better (error) at two sigma, based on a given number of consecutive one-minute sample weights.