Vernon Hills, Ill., February 24, 2009 — Cole-Parmer is proud to introduce new Micronit Lab-on-Chip products for creating microfluidic experiments. Available in fluidic cross channel, microreactor, and micromixer chips, this advanced technology fulfills a multitude of research objectives.
Micronit Lab-on-Chip products offer many advantages to help you save money and time. The use of smaller amounts of reagents—nanoliters and picoliters—provides a cost-effective solution when performing microfluidic experiments. With the extreme scale-down of research protocols, results can be obtained in only a few seconds instead of hours or days.
Cole-Parmer’s portfolio of Lab-on-Chip products includes many standard chip configurations and convenient starter packs. Custom-design chips are also available. Find additional accessories such as chip holders, inverter frames, and connection kits.
To view these products and more of our complete line of Microfluidics products, call 800-323-4340 or visit