Bi-Polar Linear Position Sensors, Hermetically Sealed Ideal for Test & Automation Applications
Dec. 1, 2009
Related To: Macro Sensors
Macro Sensors offers a bi-polar version of its DC-operated LVDT linear position sensors. Operating from ±15 V DC input, the HSD/HSDR 750 Series Hermetically Sealed LVDT Position Sensors offer a precalibrated 0 to ±10 V DC output that is ideal for easy integration with PLCs, digital indicators, A/D converters, computer-based data processors and QC data collection systems. Constructed entirely of stainless steel, the HSD/HSDR 750 Series of DC-operated Linear Position Sensors are hermetically sealed, making them impervious to dirt, water, steam and other corrosive elements. These highly rugged units are ideal for use in automatic assembly equipment and other industrial applications with hostile conditions and corrosive environments. In addition to its heavy-duty housing, the sensor’s coil windings are sealed against hostile environments to IEC standard IP-68. The housing, bore liner and end washers are TIG welded, providing a hermetic seal free from oxidation-producing faults that may cause leakage. The HSD Series 750 units terminate through a sealed axial connector that prohibits the core from passing completely through the coil assembly. Electrical termination for the HSDR Series 750 DC-LVDTs, however, is made through a sealed radial connector located near one end. The radial connector offers a through-bore design that permits access to either ends of the LVDT’s core for better mechanical support and core guidance, and easier cleanout. The radial connector also offers a shorter installed length, compared to units of the same range with axial connectors.Available in ranges of ±0.050 inch (±1.25 mm) to ±10.0 inches (±250 mm), the HSD/HSDR 750 Series Linear Position Sensors feature the high resolution, excellent repeatability, and low hysteresis associated with LVDT technology. Incorporating built-in electronics, these DC-operated sensors provide the desirable features of an AC-operated LVDT, such as frictionless operation and dynamic response, with the added convenience and simplicity of DC input and pre-calibrated DC output. Maximum linearity error for these linear position sensors is ±0.25% of full range output using a statistically best-fit straight line derived by the least squares method.Macro Sensors offers several standard options that permit a user to customize the HSD/HSDR Series 750 LVDT Linear Position Sensors including Teflon® bore liners and metric threaded cores. In addition, Macro Sensors can provide can provide mounting accessories, core extension rods, and DC power supplies.