Electro-Sentry1 Single-Leg Hazard Monitoring

Oct. 13, 2011

The Electro-Sentry1 is a single leg, stand-alone system commonly used on grain elevator legs to monitor critical points for shaft slowdown, belt alignment and bearing temperature as part of a predictive maintenance program to protect against catastrophic breakdowns and machinery failure resulting in product waste, machinery damage and process downtime. All Electro-Sentry components provide a standard 4-20mA signal compatible with I.S. Barriers, PLCs, Meters and Data Acquisition Systems and are available as an integrated system or as individual sensors.

  • At-a-glance alarm identification
  • 13 analog inputs and 8 relay outputs
  • Minimal end-user calibration and setup
  • Easy one-button test of systems and alarms
  • Rugged, industrial-duty systems and sensors