Automatic Meter, Mix, Dispense Machine

Sept. 6, 2012

A new, fully automatic meter, mix, dispense machine for epoxies, silicones, and urethanes produces small shots and stores up to 15 shot sizes. The Ashby Cross Model 1125 Variable Ratio IDS is a PLC-based automatic meter, mix, and dispense machine that handles filled or unfilled epoxies, silicones, and urethanes, with ratios from 1:1 to 6:1 by volume.  

Featuring a touch-screen interface with menu-selectable shot sizes from 0.30 cc to 160 cc, depending upon ratio, this intelligent system stores up to 15 user-defined shot sizes, and provides ±1% by volume accuracy and repeatability. Suitable for low- to mid-volume production and R&D, the Ashby Cross Model 1125 Variable Ratio IDS utilizes piston-cylinder metering, standard static mixers, handles viscosity up to 100,000 cps, has a compact 18” x 12” foot-print, and operates on 110 VAC and 100 psi air.  Standard features include a digital encoder mode for shot control, pot life timer, dispense head and metering cycle counters, and cycle set points for preventive maintenance.

  • stores up to 15 shot sizes
  • touch-screen interface
  • ±1% by volume accuracy