Robot Calibration/Testing Gets Tough

June 7, 2017
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence launches new Industrial Robotic Calibration and ISO-based Performance Test Solution

RoboDyn Software builds on Leica Absolute Tracker hardware quality to make industrial robot calibration and testing more rigorous and efficient. The system allow for the direct calculation of robot characteristics such as base and tool alignments and full DH parameters with positioning accuracies stated to the rigorous ISO 9283 certification standard.

The software's calibration module provides a fast and intuitive process for aligning the robot with the laser tracker and then calibrating the robot's kinematic configuration to improve absolute positioning accuracy. An ISO test module allows for performance testing according to the ISO 9283 standard, while a simulation module can be used to model and analyse line-of-sight issues and perform offline path creation prior to connection to the physical system.


  • The Robodyn simulation module can be used to represent and analyze line-of-sight issues and offline path creation before connecting to the physical system. 
  • Path accessibility feedback (joint limitation, inverse kinematics, etc.).
  • Simulation PTP, line, arc and spline curve movement.
  • Robot movement analysis using two-dimensional systems.



  • The calibration module provides a fast and intuitive process for aligning the robot to the laser tracker and calibrating the robot’s kinematic configuration in order to improve absolute positioning accuracy. 
  • Calculation of base alignment and TCP offset.
  • Calibration of DH parameters with accuracy to standard or modified conventions.
  • Automatic creation of calibration paths.
  • Flexible workspace and temperature fluctuation specific calibrations.
  • Support of linear axes.
  • Robot interfacing through direct communication, I/O or stable probing for highest level of flexibility and compatibility.



  • The ISO test module allows for accuracy and performance testing according to ISO 9283 standard with any industrial robot. 
  • Compliance with ISO 9283 standard.
  • Flexible definition of required tests and duration.
  • Automatic creation of robotic inspection path.
  • Flexible definition of working zones.
  • Direct control of robot and laser tracker.
  • Numerical and graphical inspection report production.