SGR Series Rod Motor Positioning Module With Submicron Accuracy

July 23, 2024
Akribis Systems' SGR Series rod motor positioning module, fitted on the RDM-A direct drive rod motors, features repeatable, submicron accuracy.

SGR Series rod motor positioning module features repeatable, submicron accuracy.

The SGR module comes with a high-precision Akribis RDM-A Series coreless direct drive rod motor, linear guide rail, and integrated optical encoder. The unit is available with strokes from 70 to 720 mm as well as custom strokes, and it delivers 3.1 to 114.8N of continuous force (Fcn) and 9.3 to 344.5N peak (Fpk).

The integrated RDM-A rod motor leverages the high torque constant of direct drive technology, while the air gap between the coil and motor ensures force consistency. Thanks to the rod motor's ironless construction, it also ensures cog-free operation. A contact-free optical incremental encoder provides 0.2 µm resolution. 

In addition to use in the semiconductor, biotechnology, precision assembly, and battery manufacturing industries, the SGR Series rod module is also appropriate for glass and LCD panels, medical equipment, printing machines, laser processing, and precision assembly.


  • Compact size
  • Simple structure and a strong aluminum housing
  • Economical configuration

Akribis Systems Inc.
Beverly, MA
(508) 934-7480

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