edgeConnector Modbus

Sept. 29, 2021
The edgeConnector Modbus from Softing can be used to collect energy data or other process variables.

The edgeConnector Modbus is a flexible Docker container application for Modbus TCP controllers.


This Docker container is suitable for connecting Modbus TCP controllers to industrial IoT applications. It can also be used to collect energy data or other process variables from Modbus-compatible sensors. An integrated OPC UA server enables simple and secure data connection to higher-level management systems, such as ERP, MES, or process visualization systems. As a further communication protocol, MQTT makes it possible to integrate control data directly into private or public IoT cloud applications.


All edgeConnector products support state-of-the-art security standards such as SSL/TLS, X.509 certificates, authentication, and data encryption. They are easy to configure locally via an integrated web interface or can be managed remotely via a REST API. edgeConnector Modbus can be downloaded from online directories such as Docker Hub or Microsoft Azure Marketplace and tested for free.

Access to data in Modbus controllers by OPC UA clients

  • Access to Modbus controls
  • Integration of higher-level management systems such as ERP, MES, or process visualization via integrated OPC UA server
  • Standardized OPC UA communication for data integration or for data exchange with other docker containers like Microsoft OPC Publisher or Amazon AWS IoT SiteWise
  • Suitable for retrofit upgrades of existing systems, thus protecting previous investments
  • Namespace configuration using a text file created by the user with standard Modbus syntax
  • Creation of up to 20 Modbus-TCP connections with a container runtime

Easy cloud-driven or local deployment

  • Images available in different online repositories like Docker Hub, Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Simple data transmission to an MQTT broker using the MQTT publisher functionality for local or cloud-based solutions
  • Operation of the application on any operating system-independent hardware with a virtualization environment for local or global access to process data
  • Licensing via Softing Floating Licence Server

Lightweight Flexible Container Solution

  • Less resources plus increased scalability and flexibility
  • Support of security standards as SSL/TLS, X.509 certificates, authentication, and data encryption
  • Highly flexible state-of-the-art application to be started or stopped immediately, if needed
  • Deployment and configuration also via management systems