Smart Pipeline Monitoring Device

April 21, 2020
Improved processing capabilities of the next-gen PIPEMINDER-ONE from Syrinix enable smart transient event detection to calm distribution networks.

PIPEMINDER-ONE, the next generation of smart water distribution network monitoring hardware, has been designed to enhance the way utility companies use data by providing actionable insights to calm networks and reduce leakage and bursts.



Building on the smart functionality of previous PIPEMINDER technologies, the new system features improved processing capabilities that enable smart transient event detection and automated alarms, with a cellular connection that can make use of all available networks. An expanded battery offering incorporates a selection of rechargeable and single-use options to support highly configurable data transfers as often as every 15 minutes.


Combined with the RADAR cloud-based platform from Syrinix, deployments of PIPEMINDER-ONE can detect network-wide pressure events, classify and recognize event types, and triangulate event sources with high-resolution data capture. Network data, events, and activity can be integrated live into third-party analyses and SCADA systems. RADAR can also receive SCADA asset data feeds to analyze pressure events alongside everyday network activity.