Nidec Group Products Catalog

Oct. 8, 2019

With approximately 300 group companies operating around the world, Nidec develops, produces, and sells all kinds of motors ranging from small precision motors to super-large ones. Underpinning our business activities are the three essential attitudes, i.e.,“Passion, Enthusiasm, Tenacity,” “Working hard and smart,” “Do it now; do it without hesitation; do it until completed” to become the world’s leading company. We will continue to create synergies among group companies via close collaboration with one another, produce the world’s leading products and solutions comprising our motors, peripheral equipment, and applied products, and provide our customers with new values to become a company that will grow sustainably even 100 years from now. Transforming from the world’s leading comprehensive motor manufacturer to the world’s leading comprehensive electronics manufacturer, the Nidec Group never ceases to work for the better future.