DMP Flex 350 & DMP Factory 350 Provide 24/7 Part Production

Feb. 14, 2019
3D Systems' latest 3D printers offer fast, bi-directional powder deposition.

The DMP Flex 350 and DMP Factory 350 provide a strategic migration path that enables customers to grow their business by transforming the way they design and manufacture parts. The DMP Flex 350 and DMP Factory 350 are engineered for robust, repeatable 24/7 metal part production for R&D, application development, and production. 3D Systems’ DMP platform design enables customers to scale from the DMP Flex 350 to the DMP Factory 350 as their production needs evolve within their factory environment.


The DMP Flex 350—the successor to 3D Systems’ ProX DMP 320 metal 3D printer—enables more efficient production of very dense, pure metal parts and includes improved gas flow technology for improved uniform part quality across the entire build area. Additionally, the DMP Flex 350’s improved print productivity of 15% over the previous model facilitates a faster time to market with a lower total cost of operation.


For enhanced ease-of-use for demanding production environments, the DMP Flex 350 can be field upgraded to the DMP Factory 350.


The DMP Factory 350 combines the same features and advantages of the DMP Flex 350 with integrated powder management. An in-unit viewing panel enables visual inspection of the ultrasonic sieve to ensure incident-free operation. The DMP Factory 350 includes real-time process monitoring via 3D Systems’ DMP Monitoring and allows customers to analyze and optimize parameters for higher quality final parts. Both the DMP Flex 350 and DMP Factory 350 are integrated with 3D Systems’ 3DXpert, the only all-in-one integrated software solution for the entire metal additive manufacturing workflow.  

DMP Flex 350:

  • Uses Direct Metal Printing (DMP) technology
  • Build volume (W x D x H): 275 x 275 x 420 mm (10.82 x 10.82 x 16.54 in.) – height inclusive of build plate
  • Unique vacuum chamber concept
  • Best in class oxygen purity (consistently below 25 ppm)
  • Quick-swap build modules
  • Fast bi-directional powder deposition

DMP Factory 350:

  • Uses Direct Metal Printing (DMP) technology
  • Contained, automated powder management
  • Build volume (W x D x H): 275 x 275 x 420 mm(10.82 x 10.82 x 16.54 in) –height inclusive of build plate
  • Unique vacuum chamber concept (O2< 25ppm)
  • Material-type dedicated
  • Fast bi-directional powder deposition
  • Enhanced productivity & management with central DMP server
  • Real-time process monitoring with DMP Monitoring


  • Simplified assemblies
  • Reduced number of parts
  • Conformal cooling
  • Enhanced fluid flow
  • Conformal latticework
  • Topology optimization
  • Mass customization


  • Reduced weight/light-weight design
  • Orthopedic and spinal implants