LAMDA500 Metal 3D Printer

Sept. 1, 2022
Nidec's LAMDA500 Metal 3D Printer is designed for production of metal components used in aerospace, space, automotive products, and more.

A mid-size, powder DED-type metal 3D printer, the LAMDA500’s maximum additive manufacturing dimensions are 20 x 20 x 20 in. (500 x 500 x 500 mm) with standard five-axis functionality. It performs stable and high-quality additive manufacturing by using the specially developed local shield nozzle and monitoring feedback system unique to Nidec’s LAMDA series. It is designed for production of metal components used in aerospace, space, automotive products, construction equipment, and more.


A two-axis table is installed standard to enable fully five-axis additive manufacturing. In addition, a fully integrated closed loop monitoring system controls laser power for consistent build quality and thermal performance, as well as providing documentation of the build quality.


The local shield nozzle utilizes an inert gas shield to enable high-quality metal manufacturing without an environmental chamber, while the monitoring feedback system controls and optimizes the manufacturing conditions to enable high-accuracy, long-term, and stable manufacturing. In addition, LAMDA machines are equipped with an AI technology-based function to monitor additive manufacturing conditions. The system is capable of quickly detecting abnormalities during an additive manufacturing process.


Using the technology to continuously spray metal powder from a nozzle, the laser melts and solidifies the powder with base materials to manufacture an intended shape. With the optional second hopper providing powdered metal, LAMDA systems can switch materials during a manufacturing process producing functional gradient materials.

  • Maximum additive manufacturing dimensions: 20 x 20 x 20 in. (500 x 500 x 500 mm)
  • Machine size: 157 x 236 in. (4,000 x 6,000 mm)
  • Machine weight: 24,251 lb. (11,000 kg)