Automated Inventory Management

Dec. 19, 2018
SupplyPro's inventory management system leverages advanced technologies to deliver a competitive advantage.

SupplySystem is the industry's first modular industrial inventory control system for managing all types of indirect materials and tools. This easy to deploy, operate, and manage system marks a revolutionary advancement from the outdated and inefficient repurposed vending machines currently used in the market. Industrial distributors have long relied on SupplyPro's full-service and comprehensive solutions to deliver the best inventory control systems for their own needs and for those of their customers. SupplySystem will strengthen these partnerships by delivering automated, state-of-the-art configurable technology with actionable insights via intelligent cloud software that will ultimately lower the total cost of ownership for distributors.


SupplySystem Intelligent Software features a completely new, easy-to-use interface that offers the familiar, modern navigation found on most mobile apps and websites. It has been designed to be easy to learn and easy to use; the navigation menus are extendable to support future enhancements.


SupplySystem IS offers a wealth of new capabilities to help distributors deliver an enhanced level of service to their customers. The software's new SupplyInsight analytics and dashboard feature delivers actionable business insights that support real-time decisions, to reduce costs and increase profits. The Case Management feature offers visibility to distributors and customers for support requests. Distributor sales representatives will benefit from easy access to their customers' order status and history, along with any support ticket resolution status.


With SupplySystem IS, organizations gain:

  • Up-to-Date Supplier Product Data: Manufacturers' catalogs can be loaded into the SupplySystem IS Product Information Management System (PIM) to simplify the process of loading, enhancing and maintaining supplier product data. PIM data includes descriptions, technical specifications, requirements, images, dimensions and weights
  • Automated Order Fulfillment: SupplySystem IS provides distributors visibility into every step of the order, provisioning, shipping and support processes. Order completion status can be easily tracked throughout the manufacturing and provisioning process, with scheduled ship and delivery dates dynamically adjusted as each stage is completed. In addition, standard customer configurations can be saved, re-loaded, modified as required and re-processed. This helps customers who want to deploy a standardized configuration across multiple locations
  • Analytics for Increased Business Intelligence: A new SupplyInsight dashboard can graphically display critical data on a single screen. Information can be aggregated by audience, enabling distributors to easily monitor data related to customer order status and/or inventory turnover while customers can focus on local inventory and consumption. Dashboards and alerts can be displayed on a computer, a mobile phone or even a watch
  • Enhanced Support Request Ticket Management: Support requests and service tickets can now be tracked from inception to resolution. A new Case Management function allows SupplyPro customers to track the resolution status of their tickets.