3D Scanning Software Features X-Ray Mode

Sept. 17, 2018
Artec 3D's latest studio software offers new high-power algorithms along with X-Ray vision for absolute control.

With new high-powered algorithms, Artec Studio 13 allows users to produce, edit, and process 3D data with ease, no matter an object’s size, nor resolution. Global registration, a tool needed for the creation of every model, can successfully assemble up to 250% more object types, even when scanning conditions were subpar. In addition, the tool is now up to 20 times faster and fine registration is up to 50 times faster, so that users can quickly jump to the next stage in data processing.


This latest software release also incorporates an X-ray Mode, a first-of-its-kind feature that provides users the ability to examine raw scan data for potential problem areas, prior to entering the processing stage. The X-ray Mode makes raw scan data semi-transparent and deletes all the noise around a scanned object, showing users the data that they want to see. As a result, it’s much easier to judge the quality of scan data right after capture, without the need to process it first. Users can immediately identify if areas of an object were missed, or if there were holes, misalignments or other issues that occurred during the scanning process. This makes scanning even the most complex objects a simple task.


In Artec Studio 11, the Autopilot tool was introduced, a fully automated mode for processing 3D data. In Artec Studio 13, users are presented with Easy 3D Capture Mode, making the scanning process from beginning-to-end even more simple. This color-guide feature projects a distance map onto your data capture to let you know if you are holding the scanner at the optimal distance for capturing the most accurate geometry and vivid colors of your object. During the scanning process data is displayed in red, green or blue, which indicate the scanner is too close, just right or too far away, respectively. This feature even works with older versions of Artec scanners and makes 3D scanning any object significantly more intuitive for both beginners and expert users. To further ensure the highest quality model, the Max Error Mode has been upgraded to automatically inspect and highlight any areas that may need extra attention, creating a faster workflow.


Artec Studio 13 includes smart 3D rendering to automatically detect the user’s computer specs. If the user’s computer lacks in power, smart 3D rendering will adjust accordingly to use less RAM, yet still provide the smoothest possible user experience when working with large volumes of data. Additionally, users can easily make DXF sections of any 3D model and can export even open contours to CAD software such as Design X or SOLIDWORKS. Artec Studio 13 supports Artec’s full suite of long-range and handheld 3D scanners, including the latest Artec Ray and Artec Leo.


  • New, high-power algorithms
  • Absolute control
  • Speed
  • Dazzling visuals
  • Ease of use
  • Full support of Artec Ray and Artec Leo
  • X-Ray vision
  • Full DXF export functionality for CAD
  • Customized settings for global registration
  • Point cloud import/export
  • Smooth, sleek rotation of even huge 3D data sets
  • 3D Radar mode
  • Optimized raw data texture for effective data checking
  • Smart 3D rendering
  • Frame registration inspection made easy
  • Simple, effective UI
  • Smooth, improved editing of 3D data