USB Controller Handles Complex Signals

July 21, 2017
Saelig Company Inc. now offers the enhanced IO-Warrior56 that has a better USB controller.

Now with 50 I/O pins as well as integrated complex functionality, the IO-Warrior56 has an improved USB I/O controller.


In addition to I2C, SPI, 8x8 key matrix, 64x8 LED matrix, and support for most alphanumeric and graphic LCD modules, the updated version also offers an 8-channel 14-bit A/D converter and a 16-bit PWM generator.


The IO-Warrior56 handles the control of more complex signals internally in order to reduce USB traffic and CPU programming burden. With the addition of an A/D converter the IO-Warrior56 is now capable of handling analog signals. Each of the eight analog channels can be sampled every 385us. When running in single channel mode the sample rate is 7800Hz. A new 16-bit PWM generator uses an internal 1 kHz, 250 kHz, 2 MHz, or 48MHz clock and can generate output signals at up to 12MHz. It is available as a plug-in PCB module or as a 56-pin IC for installing on a custom board.

Warrior ICs from Code Mercenaries are a family of universal I/O controllers for USB that handle all complex USB protocol details without requiring special Windows drivers since Warrior ICs appear to the OS as HID Device Class (Human Interface Device). This means that Warrior ICs are controlled without screen-prompting for additional software - standard system drivers allow access to Warrior ICs directly from application programs. A Linux driver is also available. All of the modules work with standard HID system drivers, so no special installation software is needed - just hook up to a USB port and connection is immediate. Applications for Warrior Modules include products for the disability market and other specialty input and control panel devices.

  • Full speed USB (12Mbit/s, 1000 reports/s)Works with built-in system drivers
  • 50 I/O pins for general use 
  • I2C master, 50/100/400 kHz 
  • Direct control for most alphanumeric and graphic LCD modules 
  • SPI master up to 8Mbit/s
  • LED matrix up to 64 x 8 with external shift registers
  • 8 x 8 key or switch matrix
  • 16 bit PWM generator (up to 12 MHz output)
  • Available as chip, module, or starter kit