Lenses Are Impervious to Damage

July 26, 2017
Meller Optics, Inc. line of Sapphire Optics have been constructed to be as clear as glass and nearly as hard as diamond.

Custom fabricated sapphire optics that are clear as glass and nearly hard as diamond provide optimum front surface protection for cameras, sensors, and other devices.


Sapphire Optics feature transmission from the UV to IR (270 nm to 4.7 microns), are water-clear, second only to diamond in hardness (Mohs 9), and can withstand up to 1,000°C.  Ideally suited for windows and lenses used in harsh environments, sapphire provides optimum front surface protection from fast moving dirt, sand, water, and most chemicals.


Manufactured in sizes up to 10 in. dia., depending upon diameter-to-thickness aspect ratio,  Sapphire Optics provide flatness to 1/10th wave in the visible and < 2 arc sec. in./in. parallelism with finishes from 60-40 to 40-20 scratch-dig, depending upon configuration. 

  • flatness to 1/10th wave in the visible
  • < 2 arc sec. in./in. parallelism
  • up to 10 in. diameter
  • withstands up to 1,000°C