Polarization Lenses

March 16, 2022
The polarization technology in PolarEyes from Metalenz combines physics and optics to power a diverse range of electronics and applications.

PolarEyes is a polarization technology that brings new forms of sensing to camera-equipped consumer and mobile devices, improving privacy and security features, healthcare, and air quality detection tools.


The solution collects the polarized light information traditional cameras discard. It then parses through that information to better interpret the world around us.


Giving automakers the ability to alert drivers to road hazards like black ice, material classification can identify molecular makeup of objects. The anti-glare vision works around glare, enabling robots to better maneuver and automobiles the ability to monitor for distracted driving.


The enhanced 3D sensing provides more details to detect shapes and edges with increased contrast. Safeguarding devices, PolarEyes also unlocks spoof-proof facial authentication.


The full-stack, system-level solution powers everything from next-generation smartphones and consumer electronics to new healthcare and automotive applications.

  • Spoof-proof facial authentication
  • Enhanced 3D sensing
  • Material classification
  • Anti-glare vision