Line Scan Cameras Boast High Optical Resolution

Jan. 10, 2017
Superb imaging prowess combined with ultra-fast stereo algorithms empower the 3DPIXA HR line-scan camera to capture more images than several similar cameras.

Unprecedented imaging prowess combined with ultra-fast stereo algorithms empower the 3DPIXA HR line-scan camera to capture more images than several standard line-scan cameras.


The 3DPIXA HR 5 µm has a larger field of view of approximately 35 mm and a scanning speed of up to 30 kHz, which allows for very short inspection times at a resolution of 5 µm. The 3DPIXA HR 2 µm camera is designed for applications requiring even higher resolution and precision and covers a 16 mm field of view.


Interactions between camera electronics and optics were also enhanced, resulting in greater image sharpness at the edges. These advanced features make it possible for the new cameras to perform 3D inspections deemed unsolvable with traditional machine vision resources.

Model 3DPIXA HR 5 µm:

  • 35-mm field-of-view
  • scanning speed up  30 kHz
  • resolution of 5 µ

Model 3DPIXA HR 2 µm:

  • covers 16-mm field-of-view
  • higher resolution