Sanitary Design Whirl/Wet Dust Collector

July 15, 2022
Tri-Mer Corporation's Sanitary Design Whirl/Wet Dust Collector is manufactured in capacities from 1,000 to 60,000 cfm.

The Sanitary Design Whirl/Wet dust collector is a different design of the MCD Whirl/Wet dust collector. MCD stands for “modular conveyor disposal,” and it was designed for applications requiring a sanitary design that also have continuous or intermittently high dust loadings. The sanitary design system is commonly constructed from stainless steel and is ideal for applications requiring both clean-in-place and external washdown capabilities without shutdown. The Sanitary Design MCD Whirl/Wet is manufactured in capacities from 1,000 to 60,000 cfm.


Collected particulate is continuously removed from the collection hopper via a removable conveyor system, allowing operation to continue without interruption. It is efficient for soluble and insoluble particulate, and energy generated inside the unit prevents system clogging. It uses a proprietary process to create intense mixing of particulate and water instead of components such as spray nozzles, pumps or dust bags.


Whirl Wet dust collectors have no internal moving parts and are self-cleaning. Water use is low: following the initial charge, water additions are only needed to compensate for evaporation and drag-out. The Whirl/Wet collector is a good option for collecting virtually all particulate over 1 micron, whether or not the dusts are volatile.

  • Collected particulate is continuously removed from the collection hopper via a removable conveyor system
  • For collecting virtually all particulate over 1 micron
  • Commonly constructed from stainless steel 
  • Ideal for applications requiring both clean-in-place and external washdown capabilities without shutdown
  • 95-99% efficient for soluble and insoluble particulate
  • Manufactured in capacities from 1,000 to 60,000 cfm
  • Self-cleaning
  • Energy efficient
  • Water use is low