TruLaser Cell 7040 3D Processing Machine

April 13, 2007

The 3D laser processing machine TruLaser Cell 7040 is a modular laser cell that welds, cuts, and processes surfaces economically from aluminum to steel. The X-axis travel is 13 ft (4 m). The Y-axis is designed as a cantilever with a working range of 5 ft (1.5 m). It supports a very narrow, compact, and fast Z-axis with a 2.5 ft (1 m) working range.


Two rotational axes give the TruLaser machine 3D flexibility. The machine creates dynamic performance through high travel speeds and axis accelerations up to 2.5G on the dynamic cutting head and 0.8G on the linear machine axis. The focus position and diameter remain constant over the whole working envelope of the machine, ensuring uniformly high processing quality regardless of laser power and component position in the working range.


Engineers at TRUMPF have created a processing head with magnetic coupling as a special innovation. The magnetic coupling allows the operator to snap the head onto the machine easily and automatically detaches it should the head collide with the workpiece. The alignment of the head after it detaches is eliminated, this minimizes the downtime due to collisions or crashes. Automatic head identification eliminates operating errors when switching the processing head and allows for a fast exchange.


The user-friendly hanging operating panel, which as an option is moveable along the front side of the machine, provides the operator with a good view of the process and eases the part setup. An additional ergonomic teaching panel with 6D mouse and a portable screen allows the machine to be controlled and taught easily.  Linear and rotation changers are also available for simplified handling of components or a more ergonomic production flow. The modularity allows all automation components to be easily retooled (retrofitted).


The performance of the TruLaser Cell 7040 is important for cutting stampings or other formed sheet metal parts.

 X-Axis Travel 157 in. (4,000 mm) Y-Axis Travel 59 to 19 in. (1,500 to 2,000 mm)  Z-Axis Travel 29.5 to 39 in. (750 to 1,000 mm) B-Axis Travel ± 135-deg. C-Axis Travel n x 360-deg. Axis Travel Range, Dynamic Cutting Option ± 9 mm Max. Axis Speed, Parallel in X 328 ft/min (100 m/min) Max. Axis Speed, Parallel in Y Max. Axis Speed, Parallel in Z Max. Axis Speed, Simultaneous 567 ft/min (173 m/min) Max. Axis Speed, B-Axis 90 1/min Max. Axis Speed, C-Axis Max. Axis Acceleration, Parallel in X 9 m/s2 Max. Axis Acceleration, Parallel in Y 10 m/s2 Max. Axis Acceleration, Parallel in Z Max. Axis Acceleration, B-Aaxis 200 rad/s2 Max. Axis Acceleration, C-Axis 100 rad/s2 Max. Axis Acceleration, Dynamic Cutting Options  40 m/s2 Positioning Accuracy of Linear Axes (X, Y, Z) 0.08 mm Positioning Accuracy of Rotary Axes Axes (B) 0.015-deg. Max. Laser Power 2,000 to 6,000 W Available Lasers TruDisk