Model XT320 A-NC Bandsaw Designed for Efficient, Precision Cutting

Jan. 14, 2010
Kalamazoo Machine Tool Model XT320 A-NC double column bandsaw is designed with automated controls for more efficient operation, and heavy-duty construction features to ensure precision cutting. The control features an automatic material sensor to detect the cutoff point and the material height. This greatly improves productivity by eliminating two of the settings that traditionally must be made by the operator. Plus the short three-inch minimum leftover material remnant results in less scrap. The entire saw is engineered for maximum rigidity and precision cutting. The double arch frame dampens vibration and has greater strength, less flexing, less vibration, and greater blade life than comparable machines. The carbide blade guides run in large diameter bearings for virtually friction-free blade movement. This eliminates the initial blade twist and provides very rigid blade support for precise and true sawing. The combination of a long blade and very large bandwheels results in lower blade fatigue. The Model XT320 A-NC saw features a 1-1/4” blade, blade speeds from 60 to 360 FPM, a feeder vise stroke of 78”, and a 5 HP 3-phase motor. The saw can cut up to 12” round material and up to 12” x 13” rectangular shapes.