Tooling Technology in Fort Loramie, Ohio is marketing a line of quick-change devices aimed at lean manufacturing.  The Segen Quick change system replaces old-fashioned nuts, bolts, fasteners and hand tools, which significantly reduces the time wasted on industrial setups, changeovers, workholding, clamping, fixturing and alignment.Segen quick-change devices consist of a steel cylinder lock and a corresponding knob.  The cylinder lock, designed to receive and mate with a conical male knob, locates and positions the knob to within 0.0002” with an incredible holding force of up to 25,000 lbs. per device depending on cylinder specifications.  Positively locked in a static state, the cylinder lock actuates when air pressure is applied to release or receive the knob.  The cylinder locks stay mechanically locked until pneumatic pressure is applied to automatically release them.  This assures a secure, fail-safe hold, even if pneumatic pressure is lost.  A typical platen, mold or tool setup that traditionally takes hours to change out can now be changed in a matter of minutes.  Tooling Technology’s “Segen Locks” are reducing the production costs of machine builders, manufacturers and end users in plastics, robotics, appliances, medical equipment, automation, windows, aerospace, welding, automotive, tool making, electronics, metals, and other markets by making old-style bolts and dowels obsolete.  The quick-change cylinders are ideal for precisely and quickly locating tools, jigs or fixtures, making changeovers and setups simple, safe and secure.