Baldor•Dodge® Raptor Coupling

Sept. 23, 2016

Baldor Electric Company is excited to introduce the , with patented WingLock Technology. Featuring a finite-element optimized winged elastomeric element design, the Raptor provides longer driven equipment life and improved reliability. Raptor’s patented WingLock technology increases surface area at the most critical regions of the element, resulting in higher bond strength, improved fatigue resistance, and longer life than competitive urethane designs. A non-lubricated natural rubber element results in lower stiffness, improved vibration damping and industry leading misalignment capabilities.

For reduced maintenance, the Raptor offers a split element for easy installation and replacement without moving or realigning connected equipment. Slotted clamp ring holes offer extra clearance for mounting hardware, resulting in a noticeably easier installation. Designed for drop-in interchangeability, Raptor couplings work in existing applications without any modifications.

Suitable for a broad range of industrial applications, Baldor•Dodge Raptor couplings are third-party ATEX certified for use in hazardous environments. Raptor elements are also available with an Armored element that exceeds ASTM 1149-07 rubber deterioration standards for use in extreme environments.