Model 1302 Gauge Measures Sliding Cam Components Automatically

Feb. 15, 2017

Model 1302 dual-head camshaft gauge features two independent opposed Heidenhain side wall measuring heads with ±10 mm travel for measuring sliding cam components with sub-micron accuracy.


Suitable for segments up to 300 mm, this cylindrical coordinate measuring machine measures 24 parameters including cam lobe chatter, straight-ness, camtrack sidewall and groove bottom geometries, and more.


Designed for robotic or manual loading for inline and audit applications, the 1302 can measure up to 6 components.

  • measuring heads have ±10 mm travel
  • handles segments up to 300 mm
  • measures 24 parameters
  • will measure up to 6 components
  • measures 3,600 data points per revolution (every 1/10 of a degree)