Adcole, LLC

Marlborough, MA 1752


About Adcole, LLC


669 Forest St.
Marlborough, MA 1752
(508) 485-9100

More Info on Adcole, LLC

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Adcole Industrial Metrology Systems have set the world standard for accuracy, reliability, and durability since 1968. Today, leading automotive, industrial, and technology manufacturers around the world use Adcole gauges to meet the most demanding requirements of the latest generation of high-performance engines.

All content from Adcole, LLC

830 350
Measurement Equipment

Model 1302 Gauge Measures Sliding Cam Components Automatically

Feb. 15, 2017
Model 1302 dual-head camshaft gauge features two independent opposed Heidenhain side wall measuring heads with ±10 mm travel for measuring sliding cam components with sub-micron...
830 350
Metrology & Test Equipment

Model 1310-S Camshaft Inspection Gage

Nov. 6, 2015
High-speed, fully automated end-of-line camshaft measuring machine features sub-micron accuracy and <25 sec cycle time. The Model 1310S can measure up to 28 features, including...