Filter System for Linear Motors

July 25, 2018

Transor Filter will feature the latest filtration systems at IMTS 2018, September 10-15 in the Emerging Technology Center, North Building, Level 3, Booth 237440 at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. They have been an exhibitor at every IMTS since 1978.


Transor Filter announces a new model for end users that are involved in tool and cutter grinding, cylindrical grinding, super-finishing or lapping operations. Many OEM machine tool builders have now incorporated linear motors in the design of these machines. Linear motors have proven to deliver faster and smoother feed rates which translates into finer surface finishes. Linear motors require cooling and nominal three to five-micron filtration is insufficient and can lead to clogging of the linear drives.


To prevent these clogging issues for companies now utilizing linear motors, the new Transor Linear provides continuous oil filtered to One Micron (absolute) to meet this requirement. Based on the proven Transor OMF design, the Transor Linear draws one micron filtered oil from a separate, primary clean storage area. Also providing temperature control to +- 0.1 degree C. insures thermal stability for extremely consistent machining results. The Transor Linear features automated cleaning of the filter elements in a staggered fashion so that clean oil is always being produced, even when the cleaning procedure is in operation. A sludge handling device is also available for total automation of the process.