Wireless Condition Monitoring System

Sept. 20, 2012

VIBCONNECT RF is a highly reliable, wireless condition monitoring system for machine components—the first of its kind. The sensor unit monitors machine vibration, bearing condition and temperature and transmits the relevant data to the bridge where it is evaluated. Thanks to its diagnostic capabilities, VIBCONNECT RF not only monitors the condition of roller bearings and other rotating components, but also detects damage caused by cavitation.   The VIBCONNECT RF system allows you to monitor plant equipment that extends over a large area without the need for installing costly cabling.   

The VIBCONNECT bridge acts as the central receiver. It processes the data from the sensor units and transmits it through the operator's network for visualization and archiving. For the evaluation of received data, the system includes a range of comprehensive analytical functions that enable the operator to assess the machine vibration, temperature and bearing condition.   Any irregularities or faults found in the machine components are directly recorded and forwarded to the relevant control center. This enables you to detect damage to assets at an early stage so that you can take prompt corrective action.   VIBCONNECT RF wireless online system lets you optimize the availability of your plant equipment, improve equipment reliability and reduce unwanted maintenance costs. 

  • monitor plant equipment
  • comprehensive analytical functions