Norton Century45 centerless bond platform features an exclusive chemistry that greatly improves grain retention in the wheel. Better grain retention means wheels are constructed with more porosity for a given hardness. This translates into wheels having a hard grade with the performance of a softer grade, providing a range of benefits.


These wheels reduce cycle times by up to 50%, improve stock removal by over 30% and increase wheel life from 30 to 100% versus standard products currently on the market.


Norton Century45 provides a continually sharp wheel face that achieves over 30% more stock removal, reducing grinding times through fewer passes to achieve optimal results. Operators will generate more parts through reduced production cycle times when using Norton Century45 wheels.

 THICKNESSARBOR HOLESPECIFICATIONSMAX OPERATING SPEED RPM20 in. Diameter6 in.305 mm2NQMC54-QB451,8158 in.24 in. Diameter6 in.1,51010 in.
  • Type 01 straight wheel with proprietary 2NQ ceramic abrasive and Century45 (B45) resin bond formulation engineered specifically to maximize productivity of centerless applications
  • Achieve reduction in cycle time, over 30% improvement of stock removal, and up to 50% reduction in cycle time
  • Less grinding noise significantly improves operator safety
  • Best centerless grinding choice for lowest total abrasive cost on a variety of materials including hard-to-grind 300 series stainless, 400 series stainless, hard carbon steels, soft carbon steels, tool steels, titanium, and superalloys