Cynergy Ergonomics

Baldwin, MO 63021


About Cynergy Ergonomics


13144 Barrett Meadows Rd.
Baldwin, MO 63021
United States of America
314 304-0221

More Info on Cynergy Ergonomics

All content from Cynergy Ergonomics

830 350
Material Handling & Packaging

Vacuum Lifter Speeds Load Out Application

Jan. 31, 2018
Cynergy Ergonomics' vacuum lifter achieves a cycle time of just 8 seconds.
830 350
Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Ergonomic Lifter Reduces Back Strains

June 22, 2017
Cynergy Ergonomics reduces back strain with lifting device
830 350
Lifting & Positioning Equipment

Vacuum Lifters Slash Packaging Time of Boilers

May 18, 2016
A Cynergy Ergonomics vacuum lifter recently installed for a boiler manufacturer lifts and rotates boiler bodies to facilitate the final assembly and packaging in a faster, safer...
830 350
Lifting & Positioning Equipment

Universal Lifting System

Oct. 31, 2013
Cynergy Ergonomics has recently developed a universal lifting system to lift and manipulate materials with vastly different geometries with a single vacuum lifter.  ...