Ergonomic Lifter Reduces Back Strains

June 22, 2017
Cynergy Ergonomics reduces back strain with lifting device

Proven to reduce back strain, the purpose-designed lifter allows a single operator to lift 150-pound lead battery plates, re-orient them vertically, and move them to an adjacent workstation for further processing.  Prior to installation of the tooling, integrated with a Gorbel G-Force servo drive/PLC controlled lifter, these operations were manually accomplished, and aches, strains, and fatigue were common, as were the accompanying workers comp claims.  In addition to handling production parts, these ergonomic lifters are ideal for work-in-process components, finished goods, pack-out areas, raw materials stock, or items that are heavy, bulky or cumbersome to move manually.


The lifter uses a pair of pneumatic grippers which grab the load while horizontal.  When the operator presses the “attach” button, the grippers close onto the load and allows the part to pitch to vertical as the operator lifts the parts from the machine.  The load is then moved to the adjacent workstation where the operator hits the “release” button which opens the grippers and releases the load.  After releasing, the grippers automatically orient from horizontal to vertical in time to begin the next cycle


Besides providing a safer work environment, the lifter has also created a more accessible environment.  Since there is no longer a lifting component to this position, company officials have re-classified this job so that it can be filled by any workers within the plant.