A Cynergy Ergonomics vacuum lifter is speeding the loading of boxes of popular lollipops into shipping cartons. The purpose-designed lifter allows an operator to simultaneously lift and position 5 boxes of product and then place the 30-pound load into a final shipping carton. The ergonomic lifter achieves a cycle time of just 8 seconds and maintains that productivity all day. Prior to installing the Cynergy vacuum lifter, this process was completed manually, with workers lifting and squeezing five boxes together to maintain proper orientation – often causing middle boxes to slide from the configuration. The new system is faster, holding each box separately from the top, allowing load-out to be completed without any box slippage. Elimination of the manual process results in faster cycle times and lower overall costs, as well as enhanced ergonomics.
Cynergy Ergonomics engineers studied the task at hand, along with the plant environment and utilities available prior to recommending a solution. The resulting vacuum lifter uses 5 Vi-Cas oval vacuum cups to lift the 30-pound load, and is powered by compressed air.