Since defining the industry 40 years ago, PFlow has remained solely devoted to the design and manufacture of vertical reciprocating conveyors (VRCs). VRCs are a safe, economical way to raise and lower materials in factories, warehouses, industrial plants, institutions or anywhere that products or supplies need to move from one level to another.
VRCs are not elevators. In fact, they have their own national code (ASME B20.1) and are specifically exempt from the national elevator code. PFlow guarantees code approval in every state.
VRCs provide fast, efficient, and convenient access to/from mezzanines, balconies, basements, and between levels in multiple-story buildings. They can be installed for through-floor, interior, or exterior applications or they can even occupy an unused elevator shaft. The principal components of VRCs include guide columns, carriage, and a mechanical or hydraulic actuating mechanism.
The expert, award-winning engineering team at PFlow has hundreds of years of VRC industry experience, and technical know-how to solve a myriad of vertical lifting problems. PFlow has designed VRCs to move materials that weigh only 10 to over 200,000 pounds, with carriages from 30 x 30 inches to 60 x 60 feet, and vertical heights from 4 to over 200 feet. PFlow has also built large load work platforms, over-and-under equipment for assembly lines, hopper transfer systems, and much more.