BitFlow, Inc.

Woburn, MA 1801


About BitFlow, Inc.

BitFlow has been developing industrial frame grabbers and software for the imaging industry since 1993.


400 W. Cummings Pk.
Woburn, MA 1801
(781) 932-2900

More Info on BitFlow, Inc.

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BitFlow has been developing industrial frame grabbers and software for the imaging industry since 1993 and specializes in interfacing cameras with very high data/frame rates. Its frame grabbers are working in environments with complex triggering and I/O requirements. Our frame grabber interfaces are Camera Link, CoaXPress, and Differential. Its software is some of the easiest to use, yet incredibly powerful and reliable. They offer APIs’ to the common image processing software packages and will work with you on your custom software to ensure you are up and running in no time.

All content from BitFlow, Inc.

830 350
Electrical & Electronics

Claxon Fiber CXPoF Frame Grabber

Sept. 30, 2022
The BitFlow Claxon Fiber extends CoaXPress's capabilities to help machine vision system integrators reach throughput targets.
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Circuit Components

Aon-CXP CoaXPress Frame Grabber

Dec. 14, 2017
BitFlow, Inc.'s frame grabber packs all the power of larger, multi-link CXP frame grabbers.
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BitBox I/O Box Outperforms Traditional I/O Cards

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BitBox provides an unprecedented 36 inputs and 36 outputs in a compact, DIN-rail mounted form factor that supports TTL, LVDS, open collector, opto-isolated, and 24V signaling....