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"Inside the Factory": The Manufacturing Show You Didn't Know You Needed

Jan. 31, 2025
Missing "How It's Made"? The BBC's show delivers hour-long deep dives into production lines, with a fascinating historical twist.

I miss "How It's Made". It was such an interesting show and a fun look at how many common products and food items were produced. Ultimately, after 32 seasons, the show ended its run, and given that it wasn't a big prime time show, there's not much information on why. 

Fun Innovations Friday

Created by the editors of New Equipment Digest and Plant Services, Fun Innovations Friday is a feel-good blog that showcases how advances in science, math, engineering, and technology are making our world more whimsical. Here's another post that's guaranteed to brighten your day.

Eliza: The $420k AI Companion Robot Bringing AI to Life
Eliza Wakes Up is a project that's creating a new generation of humanoid robots with AI in a very human-like form to be assistants, conversationalists, and companions.