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Tick, Tick, Bot: Robots Master the Art of Bomb Disposal

Tick, Tick, Bot: Robots Master the Art of Bomb Disposal

Feb. 28, 2025
When defusing bombs becomes too dangerous for humans, these high-tech robots are stepping in to save lives.

There have been stories for a while that robots are being used to travel into dangerous and hazardous spaces to either inspect the area for potential risks or get to things that humans couldn't do safely. And now, a research team in the U.K. has been trying to take it one step further to have robots detect and defuse bombs.

Traditionally, remote-controlled robots have been used for these types of safety inspections, but these new robots are using the latest technology to keep military personnel and civilians safe while advancing the safety and efficiency of these missions, reported Alexis Gajewski, senior editor at Plant Services.

"This is a great example of how Defence can achieve an advantage through the exploitation of technology, fusing together military and commercial systems to keep our people and country safe from deadly threats. Working in partnership with industry and academia, Dstl is delivering mission success through science and technology advantage," said Chief Science and Technology Officer, Dstl, Prof Andy Bell.

Fun Innovations Friday

Created by the editors of New Equipment Digest and Plant Services, Fun Innovations Friday is a feel-good blog that showcases how advances in science, math, engineering, and technology are making our world more whimsical. Here's another post that's guaranteed to brighten your day.

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