Norton BlazeX F980 Fiber Discs with premium ceramic alumina micro-fracturing grain are designed for a wide range of grinding processes in stainless steel and harder-to-grind materials...
Slitter INOX-Prime grinder wheels offer excellent cutting speeds per cut with minimal burr and a smooth finish. Weldcote Slitter wheels are available in 4-1/2 and 6-...
VICTOGRAIN, a high-performance abrasive grain, features precision-formed abrasive grain triangles that are identical in shape and size. Their cutting edges are ...
Plantex Ceramic discs are designed for grinding all metals, including stainless steel, steel, aluminum, titanium, bronze, and special alloys. The discs' advanced high-performance...
NorZon BlueFire F826 Fiber Discs for the metal fabricating industry. NorZon BlueFire fiber discs are positioned as Norton’s “better” choice for stainless, superalloys...
NorZon Plus RightCut wheels are available in 4-1/2 through 6-in. diameters in Type 01 straight and Type 27 depressed center shapes for right-angle grinders. Extensive...