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Ball Screw Provides Max Capacity

March 16, 2019
Thomson Industries, Inc. has introduced a ball screw with more than twice the load capacity of a standard ball screw. The redesigned ball screws handle more than double the load...
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Adhesives & Fastening

Concrete Anchor Fasteneing Guidelines

Dec. 5, 2018
The following list clarifies the general guidelines when using concrete fasteners.
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Adhesives & Fastening

When a Blue Screw is Not a Tapcon

Nov. 16, 2018
Concrete Fastening Systems explains the difference between their blue screw and other similar screws on the market.
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Adhesives & Fastening

How to Determine Bit Size for a Tapcon Screw

Sept. 28, 2018
The use of the optimal sized bit is important for getting the most effective size and shape of hole required for the Tapcon concrete screw.
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Assembly & Fastening

Stop Fumbling With Screws

Sept. 24, 2018
Mountz offers an option to end the frustrating process of dropping and picking up screws on a daily basis.
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Boost Accuracy of Prototypes with 3DP Leadscrew-Nut Insert

Jan. 29, 2018
Hayden Kerk Motion Solutions Inc.'s 3D nut inserts are made of advanced materials that are engineered explicitly for production-part performance.
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Adhesives & Fastening

Indexing Plunger Stays Retracted

June 29, 2017
J.W. Winco, Inc. offers a steel indexing plunger that can stay retracted and then rotate 90 degrees.
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Assembly & Fastening

Remove Stress with One-Step Twist Drill

June 23, 2017
Lach Diamond, Inc. removes stress with one step twist drill
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Smallest Anti-Backlash Screw Performs Well in Smooth Operations

Feb. 26, 2016
Initially designed for the optics applications, Micro Series Anti-Backlash Nut fits with 2 mm diameter screws to assist in precise, smooth motion and where space is at a premium...