Industry Insider - Feb 27th, 2024
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Industry Insider

Inside Source for Manufacturing Innovation News, Equipment, & Trends
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The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Road to Zero Coalition are urging the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to require intelligent speed assistance technology for all vehicles.
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A mountable hands-free blower for static elimination at assembly stations for benchtop applications. It is designed to neutralize static charges on surfaces in demanding industrial settings where static can become troublesome.

Purdue's new Center for Secure Microelectronics Ecosystem is focusing on how to design semiconductors and microelectronics to be more resilient against security attacks.

Unrivaled in providing reliable, oil-free compressed air systems, KAESER understands plant operators need to keep lines working smoothly and efficiently, often with the additional challenge of meeting strict safety standards. Let us engineer the ideal air solution for your peace of mind.

SpinDrive will use the funds to help manufacturers affordably achieve higher energy efficiency and productivity through a frictionless alternative to high-maintenance, oil-dependent, and energy-wasting bearing technologies.

This unique thru-panel laser is available in varying sizes, ranging from 4.0mm – 25mm (laser diameter). Shown with a 12mm laser, BEA Lasers Can supply the ideal red or green (dot or line) alignment laser. Contact BEA Lasers for additional information. 

Scape Technologies, Danish Technological Institute, and AMT join in EUROSTARS Project to create just-in-time 3D printing production.
Editor's Choice
Fixtureworks' One-Touch indexing plungers slide and rotate with precise locating for position adjustment.
Cremer's CSC series of modular seed counting and dispensing machines offer a 20-channel counter with counting speeds of 12,500 seeds/min.