High-value structural parts, require less material, labor, and time in production
In the 1990s, while working as a Grumman Aerospace consultant and Professor of Manufacturing Technology, Joseph Mele led the development of a new near-net-shape forming technology, called MELEFORM.
The press is built on a compact base structure, with one hydraulic cylinder on a carriage structure, to supply power for pulling and pushing a die through the press. An indexing mechanism that is part of the cylinder allows for the press to produce longer parts, such as airframe structures.
“The Meleform Flo-Forge production is capable of producing parts of various sizes to net shape,” according to Mele. Because parts are produced to near-net shape, finish machining is not necessary.
“I am confident that this new technology is simply waiting for an interested partner for continued development,” according to Mele.
Read the full report, Near-Net Shape Forming Process Using Progressive Dies