Lenape Forged Products Inc., West Chester, PA, reports it was certified to the ISO 9001:2000 Q9001-2000 standard as of November 29, 2007. The scope of its certification covers manufacturing and supply of forged metal products and design of fabricated products.
Lenape produces custom forgings for a chemical/petroleum refining, oilfield, pipeline, nuclear power, conventional power, defense, commercial aerospace, and other markets.
“This is a major, major milestone in our effort to continuously improve Lenape’s overall quality,” stated sales and marketing manager Dave Hershbell. “We made the monetary commitment and investment in time and people to achieve certification. Our management, including our v.p./general manager, Kevin Shaw, is 100% behind this quality effort — we believe we owe this to our many long-time, loyal customers, as well as newer ones.”
The 9001-2000 certification is the globally recognized standard for quality management, as determined by ISO, the International Standards Organization, in Switzerland.
Lenape says its certification followed months of preparation and effort, under the supervision of the Steel Related industries Quality Systems Registrar Inc., which monitored and accredited the forger. SRI will continue monitoring Lenape’s adherence to ISO standards throughout the registration period, set to end in November 2010.
Shaw said the registration is “a visible recognition of what was already here, and will help our managers in terms of systematizing their individual goals and objectives with that of the overall direction of the company.”