Rothe Erde GmbH, a ThyssenKrupp Technologies company, has placed an order with SMS Eumuco GmbH, Leverkusen, for the supply of a ring rolling machine for its plant in Dortmund.
The order is for a Model AW 500-8000/1200 ring rolling machine, which will expand the company’s capacity to a maximum ring weight of 30,000 kg.
At present, the company operates three hydraulic ring blank presses and four ring rolling machines at the Dortmund works and at its American subsidiary, Rotek Inc., Aurora, OH.
A Model RAW 200(250)/200(250)-5500/630 ring rolling machine is currently being installed by SMS Eumuco for Rothe Erde in China at its ring production facility in Zuzhou.
SMS Eumuco GmbH is a business unit of the Tube, Long Product and Forging Technology Business Area the SMS group.