Forgemasters will cast ingots and heattreat them from 900deg to 85degC before finish machining to within 05 mm of final dimensions

Sheffield Filling Two New Orders for Mill Rolls

Aug. 31, 2016
Deliveries to continue through 2017 for Severstal at Cherepovets, TK Rasselstein at Andernach Automotive and appliance steels Cold-rolled strip for tinplate

Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. reports it has new orders for forged and finish-machined mill rolls from two of the world’s largest steelmaking groups, orders totaling £4.5 million ($5.9 million.)  One order is from Russian steelmaker Severstal, for cold strip rolling of automotive and appliance-grade steels at its Cherepovets Works, between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The other order is for cold rolling at ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein in Andernach, the only tinplate coating operation in Germany.

The total number of mill rolls for the orders was not revealed. Deliveries for both orders will be staged throughout 2017.

Mill rolls are among the specialty products for Sheffield Forgemasters, which has ingot casting, forging, and finish machining capabilities. After forging the ingots, the rolls heat-treated from over 900° C down to -85°C to impart specific hardness properties. The machining process will be accurate to within 0.5 mm of final dimensions, according to the producer.

“We first began working with Severstal in 1999, and in that 17 years Forgemasters now supplies more steel rolls to Severstal than any other roll maker,” according to Ken Brooks, senior sales manager. “In fact, our share of supply to them has increased as the demand for domestic steel continues to be substantial. Forgemasters is now responsible for providing around three quarters of Severstal’s entire steel roll requirement.

“Both new contracts are testimony to the strength of our long-standing relationships with both these companies, as well as our position in the global steel market,” he continued “Our expertise and development of state-of-the-art techniques allow us to deliver the highest quality products across the world.”

About the Author

Robert Brooks | Editor/Content Director - Endeavor Business Media

Robert Brooks has been a business-to-business reporter, writer, editor, and columnist for more than 20 years, specializing in the primary metal and basic manufacturing industries. His work has covered a wide range of topics including process technology, resource development, material selection, product design, workforce development, and industrial market strategies, among others.

Currently, he specializes in subjects related to metal component and product design, development, and manufacturing—including castings, forgings, machined parts, and fabrications.

Brooks is a graduate of Kenyon College (B.A. English, Political Science) and Emory University (M.A. English.)