Aluminum forging producer Anchor Harvey announced recently it is working to expand and improve its production of forged aluminum parts used in medical equipment, an effort directed at increasing demand for such products during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Anchor Harvey has the industry experience and ability to propose modifications to our existing medical forged components for COVID-19 use, and we look forward to providing expanded capabilities for the medical industry,” stated Tom Lefaivre, president and CEO.
In recent weeks the company has been developing ideas and experimenting with ways to modify previously existing designs and components to be able to respond quickly to manufacturers in supplying critical parts, such as modifying a regulator valve for a self-contained breathing apparatus for use as a respirator valve in medical ventilators.
Production volume has consistently increased on an as-needed basis, a representative explained, as the forger scheduled nearly around-the-clock shifts to ensure production demands are continued to be met and components delivered on time.
Headquartered in Freeport, IL, Anchor Harvey forges high-strength, lightweight, precision parts in the 2000, 6000, and 7000 Series aluminum alloys. Its forging equipment includes multiple screw presses and mechanical presses, as well as tool and die machining.
Forged components are available in lengths and widths up to 36 in., from ounces up to 50 lb. in weight.
Examples of the company's forgings for surgical implant devices include leg braces, prosthetic knee joints, and hip joint swivels. For medical equipment Anchor Harvey produces respirator valves, specialty equipment, and hospital bed components.