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Five Tips to Increase Worker Safety in Industrial Settings

Oct. 11, 2024
Learn how to prioritize safety and incorporate advanced solutions without compromising productivity.

It’s no surprise that the industrial workplace has changed significantly over the years. One of the most significant additions has been the inclusion of collaborative robots (cobots) in routine workflows. Whether or not your workplace setting uses cobots, the industrial machinery safety protocols that might have worked yesterday don’t quite apply today. 

Worker safety tips have always included paying attention to the basics and keeping machines in good repair. However, these to-dos alone are not enough. Improving workplace productivity today means paying careful attention to the new requirements of a changed landscape and configuring custom safety components for machinery, as needed.

What are the new safety protocols to pay attention to? What kinds of specialty components can ensure worker safety? How should you reboot our industrial machinery safety protocols to make room for advanced technologies that are coming down the pike?

Read our Top Tips for worker safety to find out how to prioritize worker safety and incorporate advanced technologies without compromising productivity.

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