BRECOroll Timing Belt

Oct. 2, 2021

In order to minimize friction when using polyurethane timing belts in material transport systems, BRECOroll features rollers that are integrated into the teeth of the belt. Toothed timing belts used for material handling tasks are usually very long. The belt’s load side almost always lies in a support rail which causes friction. With BRECOroll, the rollers in the belt teeth replace the sliding friction with rolling friction resulting in less stress on the belt and the motor.

BRECOroll is currently only available in T20 open-ended code “M” or spliced and welded code “V.”

  • Maximum Length: 328 ft (100 m)
  • Minimum Welded Length: 3 ft (1,000 mm)
  • Standard Material: TPUST1 (other materials upon request)
  • Standard Tension Member: Steel (Hi-Flex and Stainless are available upon request. Minimum qtys. apply)