Data Portal

Sept. 23, 2021
EPLAN Software & Services' Data Portal means users can quickly find exactly the components they are looking for.

The Data Portal, with a new user interface and improved search algorithms, makes it easier and faster to select appropriate product data in engineering than ever before. Expanded search parameters mean that users can quickly find exactly the components they are looking for. Individualized solutions based on configurators can be intuitively generated.


The platform’s updated user interface offers numerous enhancements for searching for and finding device data. Improved search algorithms and parameters make it much easier for users to quickly find the appropriate components to download. Increased system performance also ensures greater speed when selecting components.


Configurators streamline product selection. Once users have decided on a particular device based on parameters, the associated EPLAN data can be generated in the detail view and then imported into the CAE solution’s device management.


The configurators of additional manufacturers all work in a similar way. This makes each manufacturer portfolio easily accessible to design engineers. The data is up to date and can be transferred directly into projects. Users are guided through the various product families of the assorted manufacturers. Integrating configurators doesn’t just expand the data available in the portal by approximately two million configurable variants, it also makes it easier for users to compile high quality device data.

  • Now exclusively in the EPLAN ePULSE cloud environment
  • Improved data quality and depth of said data
  • New user interface with smart search functionality