MiR250 Hook AMR for Towing Carts

July 10, 2021
Mobile Industrial Robots' towing AMR offers high precision when picking up, transporting, and delivering carts with payloads up to 1,100 lb. (500 kg).

Designed to automatically collect and tow carts through dynamic and constricted industrial spaces, the MiR250 Hook includes the MiR250 AMR to easily and cost-effectively automate the transport of various sizes of loaded carts weighing up to 1,100 lb. (500 kg).


The MiR250 Hook safely and efficiently travels at speeds up to 4.5 mph (7 kph). The speed, flexibility, and design optimizes workflows across industries and increases the range of applications for MiR’s AMRs. For example, the automated delivery of components by the MiR250 Hook to human workers creates a more efficient flow at an assembly line.


In addition to the integrated MiR250 Hook robot solution, companies that already own MiR250 robots can separately purchase the MiRHook 250 top module for cart towing, without the need to invest in new carts. Only a few steps are required before deploying the MiR250 Hook in a workplace. These include attaching QR codes or AprilTags to carts and cages so the MiR250 Hook can identify them; mapping the robot to its route manually the first time or importing a map of the building and premises into the robot’s software, and installing the automatic charging station that lets MiR robots autonomously reload their batteries as needed (if this is the first AMR deployed in the facility).

  • Collects and delivers an unlimited number of carts
  • Enhances production flow to increase productivity
  • Redeploys staff from pushing carts to higher-value activities
  • Safely and efficiently maneuvers around people and obstacles
  • Requires no changes to an existing facility
  • Provided with changeable hook gripper
  • Needs no prior programming experience
 Length 31.5 in. (800 mm) Width 23 in. (580 mm) Height 12 in. (300 mm) Height Above Floor 1.6 in. (40 mm) Weight (W/out Load) 214 lb. (97 kg) Load Surface 31.5 x 23 in. (800 x 580 mm)Payload Robot Payload550 lb. (250 kg)Speed and Performance Running Time 13 hours Max. Speed Forwards: 6.6 ft/s (2 m/s) (4.4 mph (7 kph)) Traversable Gap Tolerance  0.8 in. (20 mm)Safety Sensors SICK Laser Scanners (2 pcs.)  360-deg. visual protection around the robot 3D Camera Intel RealSense Detection of objects ahead to 47 in. (1,200 mm)  Proximity Sensors 8